When was the last time someone went out of their way for you?
I remember a time in my life about two years ago when someone really went out of their way to show love for me. It was my sophomore year of High School and if you have ever been in school then you know what it is like to experience rumors. Rumors spread fast and I learned that very quickly because one was made up about me. I don't understand why, but someone felt like choosing a situation in my life and turning it into a lie. Knowing it was made up helped me let it go. However, it did hurt when I would go to school and hear my close friends believing the rumors about me. Out of all the chaos I was feeling, a kind young girl decided to stick by my side. She would listen to me day after day for an hour before our basketball practices. Every SINGLE time she supported and back me up no matter what others were saying. It was an unexplainable love that I am forever thankful for. Since then it is all a distance memory but one thing remained and that was a strong, encouraging relationship with this girl.

There is a special parable in the Bible that shows us how much more our Heavenly Father loves us. It comes from Matthew 18:12-14, it reads “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if He finds it, truly I tell you, He is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish."
He is our shepherd and He sees us as valued and precious enough to seek out! In the same way we need to fully seek out Jesus. There cannot be any half hearted "I read a verse or went to church this week." God isn't calling us to a lukewarm life but one on fire for His glory! This looks like diving into His words for a specific reason to live them out and know about our God.
A heart full and dedicated to Him starts with our habits. I have habits of my own with reading scripture, devotionals, prayer, and encouragement. I found out the beauty of alone time with Christ before I go to bed, it gives me the strength and faith I need for each coming day. You can also create times of your own, it all starts one day at a time. My one friend and I love to encourage one another by reminding them to take life "One day at a time." These 5 simple words have helped me grow in unexplainable ways and I know they can for you as well. Start small and see what is best, life is WAY too short to not be living single passioned for Jesus.
I know that He is my sole purpose, my satisfying love, my overwhelming joy, my never-ending hope, and my unspeakable peace. I pray that you too can find these truths out for yourself by growing on day at a time.