Our biggest enemy can be ourselves. There are times when it is too hard to wrap our minds around the free gift of grace when punishment is all we deserve. Lies fly through our thoughts like their on a roller coaster. Alone times haunt us with regrets of what has happened in the past. Mirrors are set up on every wall reminding us how we will never line up with the standards of this world. But there is hope...

The Blank Canvas
This reminds me of when I took a painting class as a young girl. The teacher was incredible and had all her masterpieces hung up throughout the walls. She handed out blank canvases for me and the other girls to paint night landscapes on. As the teacher painted, we followed and listened to her instructions. At one point I looked up to see what the other girls paintings looked like. They had perfect stars, trees, and mountians. I felt as though mine was followed after a whole different painting. Just like that, this little head of mine was filling up with discouragement when this was suppose to be a fun event. I doubted anything I could of painted on that canvas. However, as I look back now I see how the techniques and close side by side leading that teacher had really impacted what I can do now. She saw something in me that I was far from even getting a glimpse of. In my head it was inability, in hers it was potential.
The same is true with all our lives. Even though this might be a ironic little story it connects with the tragedy we live in day by day. We have a blank canvas of life in front of our eyes. Fear says that this canvas will never be filled with a worthy life. But God steps in and says in Espheisnas 1:4-5, "Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will."
God Sees you as Chosen and as His Light
You are not just another "Fish in the sea." You were made by the hands that created the Heavens and earth. Pslams 139:13-14 "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mothers womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Not only were you precisely created but you were made for a unique purpose. Not one of God's beautiful humans were made the same. That means you have a specific light that needs to be shining. You can hide in the feeling of unworthiness but that is only going to hold you back from what lies ahead. I read about a missionary named A.W. Milne in Mark Batterson's book Not Safe. Milne went to New Herbrides in the South Pacfic to share the gospel. The tribe he preached too wrote something on his coffin when he died that will inspire me forever. "When he came there was no light, when he left there was no darkness." The same can be true with the location and people we are placed around now. It all starts with our unwavering commitment to Christ.
God Sees you as Confident and Strong
The goals you always dreamed of can be accomplished through your Lord and Savior. Ultimiatly He is the one leading you to them for His glory. Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Therefore, if it is disease your battling, hurt your fighting, or doubt your killing, you can do it through Christ. He is the only one that will satify your heart. The past no longer holds you back because with Jesus we are always moving forward. You are stronger in Jesus then the enemy your mind plays against you.
God Sees you as Loved and Forgiven
Sometimes a lot of our hurt is centered around the love we are lacking. I spoke with my one friend about why it hurts her so bad to leave any of her friends, even those not that close to her. She told me how she is deprived of love in her own home so she feels she strives to fill the gap with friends. Friends give her that love, but what she soon discovered was a relationship with Jesus was what she really needed. If you are feeling this way as well, then you can be encouraged the same way she was. God's love for you fills up all your breaks and bends, There is nothing, I repeat, nothing you can do, say or think to make God love you any less. His love is specially described as unfailing and unconditional. We are never going to be perfect, I learned that very quickly. But over and over again our sins are forgiven. In Proverbs 3:13 God tells us, "Blessed is the ones who sins are forgiven." When we experience grace we get a little touch into how great our God is more and more. You are a chosen child, loved and fully forgiven.
God Sees you as Jesus
When Jesus died the death we deserved on the cross He covered us in His righteousness. Therefore, we can let go of the wrong we feel about ourselves and realize He sees us better.
All fears and doubt aside, the devil is not allowed to win today. Our canvas is filled with His glory!
What hurt do you need to give over to God?
Where is God calling your light to shine?
How can you encourage others today in their questioning?